Erotic stories of -Sine Cera-
Profile page of -Sine Cera-. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
-Sine Cera- wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 4.1K times
My bodyguard (part 2)Since we exchanged numbers, he texts me every single day. Sometimes just about everyday life, sometimes just a message of light flirt, and sometimes he is so seductive with his words, that my panties get wet. In his first message he wrote that he wished he'd dared to whisper something in my ear, at our goodbye the day before. He's a regurlar gym goer. And he stopped by to say hi the next day. Our welcome kiss was so...pretencious. Two kisses on each cheek, or so it seemed to my coworker, who... reading time 7 mingenreRomanticwritten on